Cloth Diapering

Bamboo inserts...stink?

Are my new-ish bamboo inserts supposed to smell?  It's a strong, bitter-like smell and is making all my diapers stink!  I've boiled them and washed them 3 times.  Once or twice with all my pockets, prefolds, etc. which is probably why they're making those stink too.  Does the smell go away?  This last wash I pulled the bamboo out, rinsed them, and washed them with clothes (and CD-safe detergent,  of course).

Is this normal?  Do I need to boil again? 

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Re: Bamboo inserts...stink?

  • Most of our inserts are bamboo and I've never noticed any of them to smell when clean. Sorry I can't really an advice about what it could be.
    PgAL (MC@7w 29/10/11 - lost you before we knew we had you)
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