1st Trimester

Crazy Nightmares...

So, since I've been pregnant, I've been having really awful dreams of either my boyfriend dying before I have to baby, or of myself dying while in labor.  I've had dreams of someone coming and trying to kill us both.  Is that weird?  I've never had a dream like that about either one of us before, and I've also been having trouble sleeping at night.  I feel most sick at night, when I'm trying to sleep.  I don't think I'm really asking anything, I think I'm really just venting because it's after midnight and I'm still not able to sleep.  Does anyone else struggle with restlessness?  Or does anyone else have crazy nightmares?

Re: Crazy Nightmares...

  • I've had the most insane dreams of my life over the last month... Apparently, it's really normal. I know it's scary (I woke DH up sobbing the other night!) but hang in there, supposedly it gets better!

     Good Luck, mama!

    image Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • You are not alone.  I woke up screaming the other night.  Not sure about what, but it was enough to rattle me and hubby.  Hang in there.
    Can't figure out the signature thing, so here's the short, short version.....first daughter born on November 10, 2013. She was conceived through the magic of IVF after 2+ years of TTC.
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  • I had crazy dreams too! Some good some bad .. But very vivid!
  • I have lots of weird dreams too but thankfully not scary.
    Anniversary *TTC since 09/11 *Me-29 (low AMH) *DH-35 (moderately low sperm count) *First RE appointment 09/12 *IUI #1 with injectables 12/12 image
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