It did come up within the time and got a little bit darker within an extra minute (4 minutes tops). I had a false positive with an evap line in november so I am extremely gunshy to the whole faint positive.
You can always double check with a digi test My test were so faint you had to tilt it in the right light to see it. I took a digi with FMU and got a "pregnant".
I guess I am scared to take one too early and it say not pregnant. I am going to use the second First Response test tomorrow, see what happens, and use a digi in a few days so that the hcg is high enough.
Well I took another test this morning since I had another left and this time I had another line but just the teeniest bit darker! I also took the test apart and found both to have pink! I think this might be the real deal!!
I'd actually say that it kinda looks like an evap line. BUT that's what I thought about the test I took 11 dpo. I thought it was a negative and then took a test the day AF was due for the heck of it and it was positive! I'd say that you
Re: Is this a pink bfp or an evap line?
LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:
DD born 07/2011 DD due 11/18/2013
Well I took another test this morning since I had another left and this time I had another line but just the teeniest bit darker! I also took the test apart and found both to have pink! I think this might be the real deal!!