Okay ladies, So my husband and I have been TTC for about a month or so, I've been off BCP for two months. We haven't been hardcore about it, but if it happens great! We did have some sexy time a few times during my supposed ovulation and fertile window. I'm not due for my period until April 23rd and I haven't been really thinking about whether or not I could be pregnant.
But the last two days or so I've been getting a weird feeling in my left ovary. If I could explain it, I'd say its like a twinge. It's not really painful, but I definitely know its there. Happens for a second or two and then disappears and repeats every once in awhile.
My googling research showed some women who's said they felt this very early on in pregnancy before their missed period. Now it could be absolutely nothing and I realize that, but the thing is....I'm leaving for Mexico tomorrow morning. I don't want to party it up if I could potentially be pregnant, but at the same time, I totally couldn't be and I dont want to deprive myself of some margaritas.
Has anyone else experience anything similar to this? Am I completely over thinking it? You can tell me if you think I'm being nuts!
Re: weird twinge in ovary? early sign of pregnancy?
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