I know some baby ointment and powders and not good for cloth diapers, but what about lotions? Like if I put lotion on my baby's butt/thighs will it ruin CD?
I've never had any problems. I use CJ's on the butt area and we use Burts Bees everywhere else. I don't know that I would put lotion directly on his butt and then a diaper, you could have problems if you do that.
5 failed clomid/femara cycles led to injects and IUI = BFP December 2011! Enjoying life with Owen
Check the ingredients in the lotion. I believe zinc oxide is the big nono for cloth. I'd believe regular lotion if not slathered on shouldn't be too big of an issue.
I put lotion on DD every night after her bath and haven't had an issue. I don't put it on her bum or front diaper area, though. Just arms, legs, belly, and back. We use Burt's bees, J&J, and Aveno.
BFP #1 5/20/10 Natural MC at 5w4d 5/28/10 BFP #2 11/3/10; BO at u/s 10w6d 12/16/10; Natural MC 1/7/11; D&C 4/21/11 BFP #3 10/27/11 Please stick, LO!! 2/6/12 It's a Girl! Alexis Grace born 6/29/12 BFP#4 4/27/14 Stick, stick, stick!!
8/11/14 It's a Boy! Evan Wesley born 1/8/15 "Patience is waiting. Not passively waiting. That is laziness. But to keep going when the going is hard and slow, that is patience."
Let it Be (blog) ♥
My BFP Charts This time I'm not leaving without you.
I've just used coconut oil all over after every bath, even before I was using CDs. I've always been weary of petroleum based products. I understand you can use CJs as an all over moisturizer too.
Re: Lotions & CDing?
OOOOOOOOOOO good question!!! I hadn't even thought about that!!!
(commense googling/lurking/etc.)
BFP #2 11/3/10; BO at u/s 10w6d 12/16/10; Natural MC 1/7/11; D&C 4/21/11
BFP #3 10/27/11 Please stick, LO!! 2/6/12 It's a Girl! Alexis Grace born 6/29/12
BFP#4 4/27/14 Stick, stick, stick!! 8/11/14 It's a Boy! Evan Wesley born 1/8/15
"Patience is waiting. Not passively waiting. That is laziness. But to keep going when the going is hard and slow, that is patience." Let it Be (blog) ♥ My BFP Charts
This time I'm not leaving without you.
I've just used coconut oil all over after every bath, even before I was using CDs. I've always been weary of petroleum based products. I understand you can use CJs as an all over moisturizer too.
that's what I do! Se