Cloth Diapering

Lotions & CDing?

I know some baby ointment and powders and not good for cloth diapers, but what about lotions? Like if I put lotion on my baby's butt/thighs will it ruin CD?
Lilypie - (wpJS)

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Lilypie - (6yLP)

Re: Lotions & CDing?

  • OOOOOOOOOOO good question!!! I hadn't even thought about that!!!

    (commense googling/lurking/etc.)

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  • I've never had any problems.  I use CJ's on the butt area and we use Burts Bees everywhere else.  I don't know that I would put lotion directly on his butt and then a diaper, you could have problems if you do that.  
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  • Check the ingredients in the lotion. I believe zinc oxide is the big nono for cloth. I'd believe regular lotion if not slathered on shouldn't be too big of an issue.
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  • I put lotion on DD every night after her bath and haven't had an issue. I don't put it on her bum or front diaper area, though. Just arms, legs, belly, and back. We use Burt's bees, J&J, and Aveno.
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  • I've just used coconut oil all over after every bath, even before I was using CDs.  I've always been weary of petroleum based products.  I understand you can use CJs as an all over moisturizer too.

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  • imageapriloutnumbered:
    I understand you can use CJs as an all over moisturizer too.

    that's what I do! Se
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