1st Trimester

Im pregnant!!

Im so excited to be pregnant but also very worried. This is my first pregnancy and I just had a surgery in January to have an ovarian cyst removed. The cyst ended up being endometriosis and I was worried I couldn't even get pregnant. I just had my first doctors appointment and my dr is not worried but Im worried about a possible ectopic pregnancy. My HCG levels are at 243 and Im having more blood work done next week to see if Im ready for a sonogram to rule out an ectopic. I really hate all this waiting!!!

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Re: Im pregnant!!

  • I had an ovary removed in Sept 2012 due to a cyst and then found out in February I was pregnant.  I was also worried about a possible ectopic since I only have one tube but all was well at my 6 week ultrasound.  How far along are you?  Do y
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Congrats to you!  I have been dealing with endometriosis for over 15yrs and have had 7 surgeries b/c of it.  I thought I was going to have trouble getting pg too, but here I am after 3 months of being off bc!  Congrats again!


    Little Bean arrived on Nov 2013...all 10lbs 9oz of him! 

    Little Happy joined the family Jan 2016

    Baby #3 due in Sept


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  • Congrats on a good 6 weeks ultrasound! My doctor calculated me as 5 weeks pregnant but because my HCG levels were a little low he thinks maybe I'm 3-4 weeks. I have no sy

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Thank you! Thats very encouraging!!

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I'm pregnant with my first as well! Unfortunately at my first appointment they found out I have a cyst on my ovary as well. They say it should be fine, but I'm high risk now. I'm just hoping for the best.

    Good luck sweetie! 

    BLAD reppin'

  • Congrats! I'm sure everything will be just fine!
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