1st Trimester

Has anyone bought a belly-band yet?

I was looking but there are so many to chose from. I'm only 8 weeks but it was a hassle to button my pants this morning and I'm really petite in figure and my pants have always been baggy on me.
BLAD reppin'

Re: Has anyone bought a belly-band yet?

  • From what I've read most people start wearing them around the 8 week mark!  I'll be 5 weeks tomorrow so I haven't bought one yet, but probably will within the next two weeks! 
  • I bought the ones they have at Target. Work great for me! 
    me 28/DH 27 TTC since December 2011 Tests 1.2013: FSH (normal) TSH (normal) AMH (normal) Estradiol (normal) SA 2.2013 (normal) HSG 2.26.2013
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  • I had a friend give me two of them and honestly, I hate them. They keep bunching up under my bra and not doing what they're supposed to, and they're super tight right where it irritates my stomach and makes the m/c worse.

    I went ahead and bought

    Six years of infertility and loss, four IUIs, one IVF and one very awesome little boy born via med-free birth 10.24.13.
  • imagewedding06:
    Can I ask- What exactly do these bands do? I know they help your pants stay up if unbuttoned but why else would you
    BLAD reppin'

  • I got tons of use out of mine last successful pregnancy near the end when my belly outgrew most of my shirts.  I have a long torso though. 
  • imagewedding06:
    Can I ask What exactly do these bands do? I know they help your pants stay up if unbuttoned but why else would you want
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  • I haven't bought one because my bestie, who is built exactly like me, told me not to bother. When I looked at them myself, they didn't inspire a lot of confidence.
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  • NL105NL105 member

    I bought 2 bella bands around 8 weeks due to the bloat making it uncomfortable to keep my workpants and jeans zipped, especially after eating. The bloat has gone down slightly and been replaced by just thickness, or fat, around my belly, but I've

  • I just bought the target store brand the other day and I love it. I am only five weeks but I have such bad M/S and I am so bloated that this helps with my pants situation. I am not ready for my Maternity pants which thankfully I have two of already from l
    image Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I had some tube tops made for me at work and have turned them into my very own "Bella Band " they are comfy ... Not too tight and covering up my unbuttoned pants.
    I may soon be going for the next pant size ... I'm currently squeezing into my size 6
    < image
  • I have been using mine since 8 weeks and I am still completely into them. You can fold them in half so you have like 2 layers of material over your pants (prevents it from bunching up under the bra, you don't have to pull them all the way up) and gradu

  • I bought one and never used it. I jumped straight into maternity pants at 8 weeks, I found them much more comfortable. 

    Me: 34  DH: 35
    Married: July 2009
    BFP: November 2012 after 2 years of TTC     DS born August 2013
    Diagnosed with PCOS April 2016
    3 months of trigger shot with timed intercourse BFN x3
    First IUI: 9/17/16            BFP: 9/30/16              EDD: 6/11/17

  • I loved mine with my first pregnancy and haven't needed it yet at 12.5 weeks but I think it's well worth the purchase.  I got mine in black at target... and when I wasn't pregnanct, I used it in lieu of a bra sometimes or over strapless

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