1st Trimester

When our baby is born, will my husbands child support amount be lowered?

His ex loves to rub it in our faces that she spends the 400 per month on her partying and theres nothing we can do about it. Her rich mother provides all of their daughters financial needs and wants and refuses to take my hubbys money from her daughter. Her daughter (step daughters mom) pockets it.. doesnt have any bills etc. 

We had plans on getting a new and bigger place so daughter could have her own room here etc. and now we cant afford to follow through because of child support. Step daughter loves living with her rich grandma although we do get to see her. We have nothing compared to the grandma though.  I really wish grandma would take the child support and put it towards the expenses *she* spends on her no matter how rich she is, at least we would know its going toward her bills or necessities for my step daughter. We also wouldnt mind paying her because paying for daughter is an obligation that we take seriously. Its hubs responsibility to pay regardless.  But while grandma takes care of step daughter, WE have to take care of ex... LITERALLY. 

Will hubby having another child help lower the amount of support if he takes her back to court to have it modified? A significant amount?


Re: When our baby is born, will my husbands child support amount be lowered?

  • Nope. With child support it's a first come first served basis. Unless he's making less money his child support will not be reduced.
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  • Um, I wouldn't think so. It's kind of shitty to want to reduce the amount of child support in this case anyway, don't you think?

    Regardless of whether or not the money is used or taken... It's still money that your husband owes for his child.

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  • mx4lmx4l member

    Youre kidding me right? Im saying we need it lowered so we can live and afford this new baby too or else he will be suffering right along with us. He doesnt have a rich granny to take care of him!


    We dont think its grandmas responsib

  • mx4lmx4l member

    Its the same written differently, read it again. Maybe i should have put a warning for bitter ex wives etc. not to bother answering lol. I need women to answer who actually know how to read post in detail and relate to what i am talking about!


  • Well that escalated quickly.
    DD #1 3/4/09 DD #2 11/3/11 Surprise! LO #3 due 12/9/13
  • imagefranklyscarlette:
    Well that escalated quickly.

  • other PPs already answered your question about if child support changes.


    My question is, if the mother is not stable enough to pay her own bills and provide for the daughter why don't you and your husband try for custody? 

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  • imagemx4l:
    Its the same written differently, read it again. Maybe i should have put a warning for bitter ex wives etc. not to bother ans

    LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:

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  • My first thought: he ONLY pays $400 a month?  And you want that reduced?  Good luck with that.  Child support is usually based on a percentage of income, you having another child is not going to reduce your husband's income from work. 
  • imageLoolaide:
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  • imagekatyj25:
  • I know exactually what your going through. My hubby's ex gets 500 a month and she never has there kid she pawns her off on other family members and takes hubby to court every three months to try and get more money, it makes me so angry cause she doesn't s
  • Here's the deal.  When your husband knocked up his now ex, he knowingly made a legal commitment to financially provide a certain amount of money to financially support that baby for the first 18 years of her life.

    The ex has zero obligations

  • I think it's funny that you don't really mind spending the $400 (you say) IF it went to grandma.  But since it's going to his ex, you do mind.  

    And you know what your income & expenses are, so you know what living arrangements you

    DS/LO #1: Born March 2012 DS/LO #2: On his way! Due October 2013 image
  • The answer to your question is that is depends on the state and the formula they use for child support.  If your husband's ex isn't taking care of the child, why not request first right of refusal which requires her to give you the child before sh

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  • argh typo "husband's ex" that should say.
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  • imagemx4l:

    Youre kidding me right? Im saying we need it lowered so we can live and afford this new baby too or else he will be suff

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  • NL105NL105 member
    While I don't agree with the situation of your DH's ex and her mother, if you couldn't afford for him to pay the CS AND have a baby of your own, you should've thought twice before procreating. It's not his ex's problem that you can't afford to make the CS
  • lp0lp0 member

    Wow things got ugly quick! 

    I worked as a payroll manager for years and I would see all kinds of child support orders come across my desk, including a reduction of one order with the addition of another CS order.  I do believe that the

    "Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it the more it will elude you but if u turn your attention to other things it will come & sit softly on your shoulder."

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  • When I was with my ex I supported all of 4 of us making practically minimum wage. It can be done. Babies do not need millions of dollars to be happy.





  • imagekennazebrowsky:
    When I was with my ex I supported all of 4 of us making practically minimum wage. It can be done. Babies do not nee
  • I agree with the comment below. I know someone who went to court to get the child support lowered and because he made more money in the last year than the year his child support was initially assessed, he now pays more per month. 
  • I actually disagree with some of the statements made here, and although I won't say how, I'm pretty well qualified to state that there are some misinterpretations of most state's laws regarding child support.  HOWEVER, I do not agree with simply t

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  • JnA12JnA12 member

    I sure would be nice if my DH only had to pay $400 a month in child support. Try $1000.

    As frustrating and maddening as it is. It really isn't any of your business how she spends it. My SD's mother wanted more CS because she just had another ba

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  • imageorienae:
    I actually disagree with some of the statements made here, and although I won't say how, I'm pretty well qualified to stat
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  • Why don't you just get a higher paying job?

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  • imageLP0198:

    Wow things got ugly quick! 

    I worked as a payroll manager for years and I would see all kinds of child supp

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