Cloth Diapering

Flips Delaminating

It's been awhile since I've posted here.  DS is 14 months and has been wearing prefolds and flip covers since about a month old.  They've worked out great, but I'm having issues with a couple of them after such a long time.

I've noticed that occassionally the covers are leaking around the leg.  There's a visible stain on the outside near the leg. I know the whole thing isn't delaminating, and I know it may just be the elastic wearing out after over a year of use.

Has anyone else experienced this with using flip covers long-term? Am I nearing the end of life for this set of covers, or is there a chance the company might be willing to fix it? I'm planning on needing to use them for at least another year (while hoping for an early potty trainer), so it'd be nice if they can be fixed by the company instead of just replaced.

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Re: Flips Delaminating

  • I've got some Flip seconds, so I really can't help too much with this one. How do you use your prefolds? Do you trifold or do you actually Snappi them? I've found that sometimes if I trifold and the prefold gets pushed to the side or my daughter sleeps
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