Cloth Diapering

Eczema + CDs

Aquaphor has been working great for us, but I can't use it with CDs.  Do you guys have any CD safe suggestions for an eczema cream?  Coconut oil just isn't cutting it.

Re: Eczema + CDs

  • DS has eczema and he has done well with Grandma El's, CJ's, and Grovia Magic Stick.

    Is the eczema in the diaper area or other parts of the body? 

    I keep a tub of the unscented CJs Buttr Plus for non-diaper area eczema, I put it on him

  • imagefreezorburn:

    DS has eczema and he has done well with Grandma El's, CJ's, and Grovia Magic Stick.

    Is the eczema in the di

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  • I second using rash creams. CJ's actually says on the back that it can be used to treat eczema. I usually rub it in really good if my daughter has any dryness around her diaper area and let her run around a little before putting her diaper on.
  • Whatever moisturizer you use, just be sure to apply it often. Our Dr. said 6-8 times/day. I try to apply it at every diaper change, if it's convenient.
  • I know this is pearl-clutch worthy on this board, but my son's skin is so freakin' sensitive that I have to use petroleum jelly (even Aquafor has too many ingredients in it).  I use it despite the fact that I shouldn't on my CDs, and we haven't ha

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