Cloth Diapering

I'm new to CD so probably easy question

I have about 12 new CD I want to prep. 2 are bamboo and know those need to be washed separately due to natural oils but as far as prep/wash that's all I know. I got a sample of some detergent with an order but not sure how much to use. So..

1. How much detergent ?
2. Cold/warm/ hot water?
3. Regular cycle?
5.regular dry cycle or delicates, hot warm?
6. How many washes for prep

If it helps the brands are all kawaiis, alvas and little monsters which though the snap panels look diff I've heard are alvas rebranded
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Re: I'm new to CD so probably easy question

  • 1. barely any since they're not dirty.  

    2. hot wash, cold rinse. If you see suds in the rinse do another rinse.  

    3. I did regular cycle

    5. I did low dry.

    6. Depends on the fabric. Bamboo needs 10 wash/dries to

    photo 531db2b9-4d83-4d72-a50b-074d44f8cd51_zps7e3cb247.jpg
  • I only wash new things once usually.  You can always boil the bamboo ones on the stove to save some water.  I usually do that and throw them in the dryer with other things. I boiled my bamboo prefolds once and dried them and then started using t
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