1st Trimester

Why isn't my husband excited?

I just found out yesterday, 3 days before my period is due that I'm pregnant, so I technically 3 weeks and 5 days now. My husband isn't excited at all and he won't talk to me. I don't understand why he's so unhappy about this. I was pregnant once before and he was super excited but then we miscarried. This is very unexpected and I'm a little scared and have my concerns but why won't he talk to me about it? And why is he so upset? We've talked about having a baby before. We just didn't think so soon.

Re: Why isn't my husband excited?

  • I would assume he's worried about you miscarrying again? Maybe he wanted to wait longer after that? But if you weren't preventing and having sex, he shouldn't be so shocked.
  • I think hes afraid of miscarrying. I have PCOS and it took me two years to get preggo. The day I found out I was pregnant I was SOO excited. But women with PCOS have a very high chance of miscarriage. So my husband wasn't excited at all. He actually didn'
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  • When I told my DH about this pregnancy he said "congratulations......(long pause).. you'll forgive me if I don't get too excited, we've done this a few times before."  Turns out I was also 3+5 when I got a +HPT so it's been a long 5 weeks.  I di
    5/08- blighted ovum, spont ab; 2/20/09- epi, VAVD, Girl! breastfed 24mo; 10/10- blighted ovum, spon ab; 12/10- no fetal pole, Cytotec; 11/20/11- unmedicated SVD, Girl! breastfed 18mo; 11/7/13- unmedicated SVD, breastfed 18mo; 2/11/16- unmedicated SVD, exclusively pumping to at least a year.

  • Give him time.  With the miscarriage, he's probably hesitant.  And for many men, pregnancy doesn't feel as "real" to them as it does to us actually pregnant ones.
    DS/LO #1: Born March 2012 DS/LO #2: On his way! Due October 2013 image
  • First off I am so sorry for your previous loss but congrats on your new lil bean.  I ewish you a happy and healthy nine months. 

    I have sufferd two losses and the first one was the hardest for my DH to process. It would have been his f

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  • He might be in shock still. Men deal with there feelings differently than women do. When I miscaried with my bf I thought he didnt care and later on I he broke down and said that was my baby too and etc. Holding feelings in dont help. When we found out we
  • Ditto what everyone else is saying here.

    I am four weeks and change, and my husband is rather nonchalant about everything. We started planning TTC months ahead of time -- at his request, we started eating right, exercising, etc and now that we ac

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