Hi my insurance at work will be changing in a few weeks and I'll need to switch providers. Does anyone have any recommendations for OBs in the Pasadena/Glendale area that support natural birth?
Also, has anyone delivered at Glendale Adventist or Huntington Memorial? If so, what was your experience?
Thanks in advance for your help! I'm having to switch from my midwife that I LOVE to avoid paying all out of pocket for the birth when our insurance changes!
Re: OBs/Hospitals that Support Natural Birth Pasadena/Glendale
Make a pregnancy ticker
I just had a baby delivered by Dr.Jick of Fair Oaks Women's Health.
I'm delivering at Glendale Adventist with Dr. Ronald Wu. He was recommended by several midwives I consulted with - he is a bit of a legend in the field (he is 71!). Google him and you will see that he supports natural birth and is renowned for delivering multiples and breech babies vaginally (when safe, of course). He is very sweet and calming and is also supportive of immediate skin to skin contact after birth. I left a doctor at Huntington bc they had poor bedside manner and I was not impressed with the maternity facilities or the staff. Most of my friends and family who have delivered at HH have had c-sections (nearly all in fact) and/or induction through chemical means.
Marc Dwight at Good Samaritan is also lauded by midwives for his birthing philosophy.
I would recommend touring both hospitals (and maybe Verdugo Hills). Some questions you can ask:
FINALLY got my BFP after 2 years of TTC!!!!! due November 9th, 2012