1st Trimester


I'm 6 weeks and 2 days, I had a little spotting early in the day, went to zumba and had more spotting, red color, I feel some pressure but no cramping. The Dr on call says it's nothing to worry about since I have no pain. Just a little concerned...

Re: spotting

  • I'm sure you are fine! I've read that some women have infrequent spotting throughout pregnancy yet still deliver healthy babies. Have faith and Keep positive!
  • I had the same thing around 6 weeks... it stopped, and my doctor said that it was normal (except if it turned bright red, I needed to wear a pad, and/or the bleeding was accompanied by pain). 

    Try to relax and good luck!

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  • I am 6 weeks, 1 day. I had some spotting last week that lasted about 5 days. Mine was more dark brown than red and only appeared after going to the bathroom. I was checked by two doctors and everything appears to be fine. My OB said it can be very normal.
  • i had the same thing happen to me - all was fine.
  • I had brown spotting for the duration of my 6th week. I saw one drop of red, but that was all. My doctor said it was nothing to worry about unless I was experiencing pain. I've had none at all since then though and I'm 8 weeks today. I'm sure you'll be fi
  • Thanks for all your encouraging words, unfortunately I miscarried a few days later! :'
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