Cloth Diapering

Repelling moisture - HELP!!

Hi Ladies,

We've been using Kawaii pockets for 9ish months now, pretty much full time and about half of them are repelling moisture. Despite my protests, my DH insists on using A&D because my daughter has a recurring rash problem (coconut oil is great at prevention, not treatment and A&D seems to be the only thing that works) but we use liners so the A&D has at least some barrier. I usually wash once on the "baby care" setting which is 1hr45min of hot & cold with Bum Genius detergent. I then pull out the covers to line dry (toss a few in the dryer if we were last minute on the laundry) and then wash the inserts again on the "sanitize" setting - I came up with this to fight annomia and for those purposes, my routine seems to work. The inserts work fine. It's just the covers. There's no funky smell - just a ton of leaks. 

What can I do? Dawn - if so how much? Should I just wash the covers over & over again? I try to limit how much wear & tear they get because I don't want to degrade the PUL but if the microfleece is repelling I've gotta do something. Would repeat washing work if I use only warm water? I'm worried that repeatedly washing the covers in extra hot will ruin the PUL.

Thanks for your suggestions! 

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