1st Trimester


So I had my ultrasound today at 7w6d.  I go back at 11w6d. Will I have another ultrasound then to ensure we made it through the first trimester?  I have a horrible fear of miscarriage due to past experience and the 3 years it took to get pregnant.  

Re: Question...

  • You generally only have another ultrasound in first tri if you elect to do the genetic screening (NT scan) otherwise, it's usually not until about 20ish weeks when you see your little one again.



  • I didn't get the NT scan either with my first. Know, though, that after the first ultrasound where everything looks great, chances if mc are now only 5.
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  • Probably just listen for the heartbeat.
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  • imageStayingSecret:
    Probably just listen for the heartbeat.


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  • imageMeganStefan:
    So I had my ultrasound today at 7w6d.  I go back at 11w6d. Will I have another ultrasound then to ensure we

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  • Due to low progesterone levels and a previous miscarriage, I had about 4 trans-vaginal ultrasounds before my gynecologist/fertility specialist cleared me to move forward and see an OB.  He has the equipment in his office to is was easy to monito
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