Cloth Diapering

Favorite CDing Diaper Bag?

So I am a total newb when it comes to CD but we are definitely going for it.  I have been able to do a lot of research on the brands/types of diapers/etc. but haven't found much about a favorite diaper bag for cloth diapering.  

 I am leaning towards 2 wet/dry bags or one tote and a wet bag for the daily babysitting (my MIL is retired and will likely watch our baby when I return to work).  One to bring the clean diapers in (either a tote or a wetbag), and a large empty wetbag to take the dirty diapers home in each day.  Does anyone have any suggestions on that plan?

 I was also wondering if anyone had a recommendation for a diaper bag for everyday use.    Also what kind of wetbag do you use in your diaper bag?  

 Thanks for any advice and insight! 

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