1st Trimester

Is anyone else

losing weight? but feeling fatter? My tummy is getting bigger, I 'look' pregnant and my clothes are all getting to small but yesterday at the doctors i had LOST 10 pounds? So I weighed myself again when I got home and it said the same thing? I have been afraid to weigh myself thinking I had gained like 15... because of how 'big' I look. 

Re: Is anyone else

  • I weigh myself every couple of days and am still in shock that I'm losing weight. I've lost 8 lbs so far during my pregnancy and the only thing I can think that changed is me giving up certain foods and drinks because I'm pregnant. But I also feel like I'
  • The part that I don't get is I looked the same at 24 weeks last time as I do at 11 weeks this time?


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