Hi Ladies. I have been lurking on here for months now. My DS is 10 weeks old now and we really want to start cloth diapering. We waited until he was a little older just to make sure they fit. The questions I have are
1. My Daycare doesn't allow cloth diapering so how much supplies should I get? We will obviously still have him all day on the weekends and Holidays. So should we stock up like we have him 24/7?
2. Everything I have read says 12-15 diapers and 2 covers is the norm. Is that what all of you ladies go by?
3. Should I all of the same name brand, or dabble in a couple others? I was thinking about getting the pocket diapers. Pros, Cons?
I haven't really done an intro yet and hopefully I will be on here more in the coming months.
My name is Nicole, I had my son Jordan on January 25th of this year. I am a FTM. My husband and I are in the Air Force. I exclusively breastfeed and hopefully soon to cloth diaper!
Re: Beginning Cloth While Going to Daycare
1/2: I'd start with about a dozen and see how it goes. If you get pockets, they have the cover built in. Many people find that some brands fit better than others, so it can be good to try at least a couple. I had good luck with the one I bought first,
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