1st Trimester

OMG anyone else?

10 weeks, 4 days pregnant and so sick! I can't keep anything down and even water is making me gag! Euw

Re: OMG anyone else?

  • That's rough. I am finally starting to feel a little better actually.
  • I've been incredibly sick since five weeks, and I'm thirteen and a half weeks now. My doctor prescribed Zofran, but it only helps a little. I'm so ready for this 24/7 "morning" sickness to be gone!

    My doctor recommended finding one or two things t
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  • ^^^^ LMBO that made my day haha definietly don't wanna feel like you are eating a condom!! I haven't asked the doctor for Zofran but I go for my OB appt on Friday so if I don't began to feel better I will have to ask her for some. I have not had any cravi
  • Well hopefully your morning sickness eases up without the use of Zofran. It causes some pretty intense constipation for many people.

     And yeah, I kind of laughed at myself after getting sick today. As if sausages weren't phallic enough with

  • If its any consolation I hear the m/s peaks in the 10th week! I hope you feel better, I know how much it sucks
  • So you're saying I should eat what I like now...? going into the bad stuff soon? I'm starting week 6 tomorrow...
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