My LO is a month old now and today his poop was actually plopable on formula and breastmilk only Is that in the range of normal or is he likely becoming constipated?
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Sounds like it to me because formula and breast milk are water soluble. Is LO getting enough fluids? Their poop should not be ploppable at 1 month old with a bm/fm diet.
He is now up to 18 to 22 ounces per day and he has been having 10 to 12 soaked diapers. I am thinking it is possibly a reaction to millk as we have recently changed him to a soy basedformula andI have been cutting dairy from my diet, but without thinking
I'm a fan of The Cloth Diaper Tech Support group on Facebook
DS was on a mix of formula and breast milk and his poop was ploppable often. I would say if he isn't straining or going days without pooping then it's fine.
Re: newborn poop question
I'm a fan of The Cloth Diaper Tech Support group on Facebook