
Recommended infant car seats for multiples & preemies

Did not know a list like this existed (you may have all seen this already) but I just came across it and thought I'd share.

This is from a safety perspective--how well they actually fit smaller babies, ease of installation, etc. Which seats work well with a DSNG is another question. ;)

fraternal twin boys born january 2009

Re: Recommended infant car seats for multiples & preemies

  • crazy how the new ones added are all under $100!
    BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker we're having twins!
  • WOOO! BBBaby didn't lie to me! My Chicco Keyfit 30 is a multiple-friendly seat! 

    *happy dance* 

    Eat your food people. You are pregnant, not made of glass. ~PrimRoseMama
    The Benes Boys were born 9/3/13! woooo
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  • Go with the lightest ones! They get so heavy!
  • We have the Britax Chaperone ones and LOVE them!  Our babies came home at 4.15 and 4.16 and they were snug and cozy in their seats!  They are now 10 1/2 months old and still fitting great in them with a few months left to go.  
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • We are going to be using Chicco car seats and after some research I found the best snap in stroller for that car seat is Joovy Twin Roo Car Seat Stroller. They sell them on amazon and the reviews are terrific. I hope that helps. :)



    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Good to know!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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