1st Trimester

Requesting an u/s for private pay

So my first ultrasound is set for May 1st.  I am so nervous that we may go in and find that the baby doesn't have a heart beat.  The next day we leave for our destination wedding.  The physician I am seeing is the busiest in town because he is the only physician in town that will do a water birth so I cannot get in any sooner. I just really don't want to get bad news the day before my wedding.

 Is it possible to schedule a private pay ultrasound at a reputable medical facility?  I would rather go in a week early and then have the results sent to my physician and skip the May 1st dating ultrasound and have a normal prenatal appointment.  

I don't really want to push back my first appoitment because by the time we return from the honeymoon there won't be enough time to be sen before the deadline for the NT scan.  


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Re: Requesting an u/s for private pay

  • lp0lp0 member
    I know there are places where you can pay to have an ultrasound done. There's a place near where I live that does 3D ultrasounds in the third Tri for like $175/half hour but I don't know if they offer it in the first Tri. Maybe if you call your dr and exp
    "Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it the more it will elude you but if u turn your attention to other things it will come & sit softly on your shoulder."

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  • How many weeks would you be if you went in early and paid out of pocket?

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  • If you go in too early you may not hear a heart beat either so it would depend on how far along you would be. On mobile so can't see if you have a ticker

    DS 12/15/13

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  • I was unable to get into my OB for weeks and I wanted to confirm I was so nervous. I went into a place that is a Women's Center in my local area. Surprisingly enough they did the confirmation pee test and the ultrasound for me for FREE. That's what they'r
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  • I am w1d now.  So I would probably like to go in at 8w.
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  • How about Planned Parenthood?
  • If your doctor will order it, you can get an ultrasound at probably any imaging clinic. 
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