Cloth Diapering

gDiapers vs Tots Bots?

 I know it's not a true cloth diaper but has anyone here used gDiapers/gNappies or Tots Bots? I like the idea of the hybrid ones and am trying to figure out when is better before jumping in. I know there are ups and downs for each and every person is different... just looking for experiences since this is our first baby and he/she isn't due until the Fall. Thanks!
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Re: gDiapers vs Tots Bots?

  • Tots Bots are an all-in-one.  You don't need to buy disposable inserts etc. (at least the ones I have)  They are super easy to take care of. Be  fore solids, everything goes straight into the washer. After that, they only poop


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • thanks! a friend recently gave birth and swears by gdiapers but when doing the math, they seem to cost as much as disposables when you factor in the inserts and all. i got to feel and check out the tots bots at a baby expo two months ago and am going agai
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  • Disposable inserts are as expensive as just buying disposables, and I didn't like gDiapers. They have too many pieces and the fit just was weird. And they're expensive for the quality, IMO.

    Tots Bots are pretty popular. I prefer pockets because t

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