I know it's not a true cloth diaper but has anyone here used gDiapers/gNappies or Tots Bots? I like the idea of the hybrid ones and am trying to figure out when is better before jumping in. I know there are ups and downs for each and every person is different... just looking for experiences since this is our first baby and he/she isn't due until the Fall. Thanks!
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Re: gDiapers vs Tots Bots?
Tots Bots are an all-in-one. You don't need to buy disposable inserts etc. (at least the ones I have) They are super easy to take care of. Be fore solids, everything goes straight into the washer. After that, they only poop
Disposable inserts are as expensive as just buying disposables, and I didn't like gDiapers. They have too many pieces and the fit just was weird. And they're expensive for the quality, IMO.
Tots Bots are pretty popular. I prefer pockets because t
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