Cloth Diapering

Detergent for CD and reg laundry

Maybe this is a dumb question, but I'd like to start washing some of the diapers, inserts, and baby clothes I've collected so far. I want to make this as easy as possible for DH as well if he throws in a load, so I'd like to switch to one detergent to use for everything. Right now we use Seventh Generation for our clothes, and I know it's not CD safe. I'm thinking of ordering either Nellie's or Country Save. Would these be good for all our laundry or do you have another recommendation? Thanks!
Me:32 dx anovulation, unknown reason DH:41
4 cycles Clomid=No O, 6 total cycles of Femara + Ovidrel
BFP #1 3/14/12 EDD 11/21/12 MC 3/23/12 5w3d Back to TTC Femara + Ovidrel April/May 2012 
BFP #2 5/19/12 EDD 1/27/13 No hb @ 7w1d 6/11/12 1st dose cytotec 6/18/12 8w1d 
RPL panel: MTHFR compound heterozygousStarted folic acid/baby aspirin, cleared to TTC 9/12BFP #3 10/25/12 EDD 7/9/13 Beta #1 13DPO 119 Beta #2 15DPO 264 
Baby E born 7/8/13

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Re: Detergent for CD and reg laundry

  • Probably either of those would be fine. In the end, the diapers are usually the most fussy and you'll have to wait and see how the detergent performs with your water conditions.
  • I used Country Save and had issues with my CDs after a while. I use Nellies now and like it so far for my CDs. I loved the way both did on my clothes. I also used Tiny Bubbles happily for both CDs and clothes.

    I agree with tokenhoser that you may

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  • Ace08Ace08 member

    I used Country Save and had issues with my CDs after a while. I use Nellies now and like it so far for my CDs.

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • Nellie's has worked great for us on CD's and clothes. It works better on our clothes than Tide, so I'm switching us to Nellie's for everything once the Tide is gone.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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