Maybe this is a dumb question, but I'd like to start washing some of the diapers, inserts, and baby clothes I've collected so far. I want to make this as easy as possible for DH as well if he throws in a load, so I'd like to switch to one detergent to use for everything. Right now we use Seventh Generation for our clothes, and I know it's not CD safe. I'm thinking of ordering either Nellie's or Country Save. Would these be good for all our laundry or do you have another recommendation? Thanks!
Me:32 dx anovulation, unknown reason DH:41
4 cycles Clomid=No O, 6 total cycles of Femara + Ovidrel
BFP #1 3/14/12 EDD 11/21/12 MC 3/23/12 5w3d Back to TTC Femara + Ovidrel April/May 2012
BFP #2 5/19/12 EDD 1/27/13 No hb @ 7w1d 6/11/12 1st dose cytotec 6/18/12 8w1d
RPL panel: MTHFR compound heterozygousStarted folic acid/baby aspirin, cleared to TTC 9/12BFP #3 10/25/12 EDD 7/9/13 Beta #1 13DPO 119 Beta #2 15DPO 264
Baby E born 7/8/13
Re: Detergent for CD and reg laundry
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I used Country Save and had issues with my CDs after a while. I use Nellies now and like it so far for my CDs. I loved the way both did on my clothes. I also used Tiny Bubbles happily for both CDs and clothes.
I agree with tokenhoser that you may
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