Our baby is due soon, and I think we have decided on cloth diapers.
We ideally want to avoid using PUL, and we were thinking about using organic flats.
For covers, we are considering using Nikki Cotton Diaper Covers. Has anyone used these? I'ma little worried about leaking and/or diaper rash if we use cotton flats and cotton diaper covers.
Another alternative we've thought about is wool diaper covers. I'm not sure how hard these are to clean or how many we would need to buy in various sizes. Is it a huge commitment to clean these?
I'm nervous to make a commitment in spending a bunch of money on any of these options, not knowing how exactly they work or how our baby will react.
I'd love to hear any insights you might have on how we can get prepared for diapering before baby comes!
Re: Wool diaper covers or Nikky Cotton Diaper Covers?