1st Trimester

Feeling very alone

I'm pregnant with my first child and am really struggling with feeling alone. My boyfriend owns his own company and is on the road a lot. When he is home he has a lot of running around to do, phone calls to make, and is busy most of the time. I've been extremely tired and not feeling very well so I feel like quite the dud. I'm trying to be understanding that he has to work to provide for us and our future but am having a tough time. Any suggestions?

Re: Feeling very alone

  • Do you have any family around? My husband works quite a bit too and I found spending time with family or friends helps big time. I am a stay at home mom and let me tell you that feeling only got worse after my baby was born. If youre working though it mig
  • What did you do before you were pregnant? Take up a new hobby or get involved with a mom's group. You can get to know the moms before babies come along. That is what I did and it worked out great. I love my mom's groups, my books and babies group.

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  • I completely understand. I'm normally a very independent person. My fiancee is in the navy and goes out to sea a lot. When he is gone (usually 30 day stretches since they just got back from deployment) we have essentially zero communication. Whats harder
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  • Listen, this has nothing to do with clingy. My frustration and loneliness comes from his main focus being the business. He has not taken any effort to research or read anything with me and he has no empathy towards my not feeling well. If you got the impr
  • Thank you everyone else that has responded, I feel better. I think I just needed to vent a little :
  • I am inbetween jobs right now so that doesn't help. I'm alone a lot during the day which is when I really struggle. I'm doing temp work here and there and should have another project soon and that helps a ton. We also haven't told a lot of people yet besi
  • imageMelbell6565:
    Listen, this has nothing to do with clingy. My frustration and loneliness comes from his main focus being the bus
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