Cloth Diapering

Bumkins Covers on EcoBaby Buys

EcoBaby Buys has Bumkins covers on sale-newborn $6.55, one size $7.75. Anyone have any experience with these covers?
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TTC #1 Since July 2012-BFP Sept 27, EDD June 9, 2013, Arrived June 14, 2013
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Re: Bumkins Covers on EcoBaby Buys

  • I have four I purchased through EBB, and honestly, they have become my least favorite. LO's bottom feels damp in them very quickly (both sets of grandparents noticed it while babysitting) and in all but one, the elastic in both the gussets and along th

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  • imagejojobrn:

    ILO's bottom feels damp in them very quickly (both sets of grandparents noticed it while babysitting) and in all but

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