Cloth Diapering

Compression leaks with wool?

Per the recommendations I received here, I invested in some Sbish for overnight. Suuuper nice and really think we're going to love them once we get this all figured out.

When I changed DD this morning, she wasn't soaked all over like she usually is in her other fitteds, but there was a serious concentration of wetness in the back and her wool and jammies were damp in the back. The front of the diaper was actually pretty dry. She sleeps on her back and she doesn't move around at all, so I'm thinking maybe we're getting a compression leak? I'm not sure what I can/should do about that. While we were waiting on the Sbish I had her in a mega-stuffed pocket, and we were getting some wicking in the back (again I guess because she's just not moving around?) Anybody else have this problem? How did you solve it?

My thanks in advance! I hope someday my wool drama will be over. 


imageimageimageTTC since 07/11 | natural m/c 08/11 | BFP 12/6/2011 | Elinor Anna born 8/18/2012 | BFP #2 1/16/2014
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