1st Trimester

How much is too much?

Ok, i am about to sound like a huge lush, but here goes.  I dont know my exact conception date until my u/s appointment, but i most definetly overlapped with several events where i drank.

I mean vacation, a couple of birthdays, girls night, another party....and no I wasnt rolling around on the floor after, but it wasnt one drink either.  I am very worried, and will def bring it up with the dr, but until then....pulling my hair out. 

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers

Re: How much is too much?

  • Don't worry you don't share blood with baby via the umbilical cord until 7 weeks. Everything you do up until that point may be minimally absorbed if at all....you'd basically have had to have drank to obliteration for baby to absorb. There is always a tes
  • imagekdemun:
    Don't worry you don't share blood with baby via the umbilical cord until 7 weeks. Everything you do up until that poin
    Six years of infertility and loss, four IUIs, one IVF and one very awesome little boy born via med-free birth 10.24.13.
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  • Exactly as PP states, many people don't even know they are pregnant drink. I had a beer last night and got a BFP today! But I have also read you don't share blood with baby until a few more weeks. Don't stress

    DS 12/15/13

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Thank you for your replies. It is reassuring to hear, and my drinking would hardly be considered bindges, but certainly something I wouldnt have done had I known we were pregers already. 
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • Ditto to what the PPs said, lots of girls don't realize they are pregnant right off the bat and continue to drink/smoke/take meds. You're good. 
    photo 6aecdc21-d010-4990-8b8b-da468f75ece3_zps38a4dec0.jpgphoto 8c7926e4-3191-4d9f-8e13-2ba2d4b7296f_zps45188ab0.jpg
              Connor - 12/15/10                                     Abby - EDD 11/29/13
    Lilypie - (bLG7)
  • Don't worry. With my first pg, during the 2 weeks before I found out, we went out a lot and had quite a bit to drink. Enough to where I remember not having a pleasant morning. Lol. Happens all the time and there is nothing you can do. As the pp said, You

    "Dont fucking ever come out your face talking shit like that" -SG 1/12/2014



  • And you don't sound like a lush, you sound like a normal person with a nice social life. I'm jealous lol

    "Dont fucking ever come out your face talking shit like that" -SG 1/12/2014



  • To the test during 2nd tri its not to determine fetal alcohol syndrome that you won't know until birth it's to know that chromosomally everything is normal that the alcohol or any other toxins did not effect DNA and cause other issues at the very beginnin
  • We did not find out until we were like almost 6 weeks.

    We had several holiday parties where we drank a lot. The Dr was not concerned and said we should be fine.



  • With my DS I was in college and have PCOS (so very irregular periods), so I didn't know for about 3 weeks when the MS started.  As most college kids do, we were partying every night... I was very concerned with this too, but DS is just fine.  
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I took a test on Saturday and it was negative - went to the casino and had a BUNCH of whickey.  By Monday the test was positive.  My doc said not to worry.  It takes a pretty dedicated drinker to cause FAS.  I have been on the wagon si
    • Married 6/1/2012
    • BFP #1 - 11/17/2012 -  MC 12/10/2012
    • BFP #2 - 2/12/2013 - EDD 10/17/2013 - DD Born 10/10/2013
    • BFP #3 - 1/29/2014 - Ectopic pregnancy discovered 1/31/2014
    • BFP #4 - 9/28/2014 - EDD 6/4/2015 - DS Born 5/31/2015

  • If it helps, I went to Los Cabo Mexico and drank everyday for a week, and fell off a boat to come home and find out a week later I was pregnant.  My daughter is 4 now and the smartest kid in school. PErfectly normal. ;). Everything they said above

    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Maternity tickers
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