Ok, i am about to sound like a huge lush, but here goes. I dont know my exact conception date until my u/s appointment, but i most definetly overlapped with several events where i drank.
I mean vacation, a couple of birthdays, girls night, another party....and no I wasnt rolling around on the floor after, but it wasnt one drink either. I am very worried, and will def bring it up with the dr, but until then....pulling my hair out.
Re: How much is too much?
Connor - 12/15/10 Abby - EDD 11/29/13
We did not find out until we were like almost 6 weeks.
We had several holiday parties where we drank a lot. The Dr was not concerned and said we should be fine.
If it helps, I went to Los Cabo Mexico and drank everyday for a week, and fell off a boat to come home and find out a week later I was pregnant. My daughter is 4 now and the smartest kid in school. PErfectly normal.
. Everything they said above