Cloth Diapering


Hi all, 


we just started cloth diapering yesterday and I realized I had some questions. I have BumGenius 4.0's, BumGenius Elementals (not the brand new ones), and  some Rumparooz's. Is it necessary to do a pre-wash cold? or can you just do a hot cycle with a double rinse?

Also, can I put all of these in the dryer if I want or is it not recommended for the pocket diapers? What about my AIO's?

Any help is great for such a newbie as myself. Thanks in advance and any advice is welcomed ;) 

Married to my best friend and mom to Calvin, 18 months old. We are so excited to being having Baby #2 (due on our 4 year anniversary)

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Re: Cleaning

  • You need a pre-rinse to remove the poop & pee, so your diapers get clean. 

    I personally line dry all the shells of my pocket diapers, but throw the inserts in the dryer on medium.  I do know some ladies machine dry everything

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  • In my old building the washing machine only had 3 options, colors, bright colors, and whites, so I only washed on "whites" and that's it, I did that for a year. I had no issues, though I realize it sounds gross.
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  • The cold cycle first is recommended to help get out stains.  Hot water will set stains in the fabric.  You can put your pockets and AIOs in the dryer but they will not last as long.  The heat from the dryer will wear away the PUL faster tha
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  • I like the idea of the pre-wash getting rid of a lot of the organic load so the soap can do a better job during the wash cycle.

    We hang our BG4.0 and rumparoos out of the washer and put the BGE and inserts in the dryer on low. Then we hang up the

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  • Thanks so much ladies. 

    Married to my best friend and mom to Calvin, 18 months old. We are so excited to being having Baby #2 (due on our 4 year anniversary)

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