Cloth Diapering

Alva newborns?

Has anyone tried the new Alva newborn diapers?

What are your thoughts on them? If they aren't just terrible, the price seems incredibly reasonable... 

BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Alva newborns?

  • They fit my 7 lb 12 oz newborn okay right now. The elastic doesn't go up high enough on the leg holes, so it's harder to get a good fit there. Overall I like them.
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • I tried them on my 7lb 10 oz son and they leaked through the legs all the time. Plus they were awful to stuff. I had the Velcro ones, the snaps with the hip snaps, and I even tried twisting the tabs and they still leaked. The fit didn't work for us. The S
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