I can't stand vegetables right now. I used to eat a salad everyday for lunch and I am a vegetarian!! I've been picking out the veggies in my foods becuase they gross me out and eating only carbs and proteins. I feel like a little kid.
I'm somewhat like this right now but it was REALLY bad with my first. I had to force myself to eat veggies every now and then but it wasn't my first, or second, choice by any means. I found that I gravitated toward carbs my first trimester bec
I have been sneaking them into my spaghetti sauce : I have been doing a lot of spinach and corn. Good luck it's hard to be creative while making the food look appealing.
I was he same way until 15 weeks or so...all I ate was carbs and cheese! Maybe that's why I had gained 20lbs at my last dr appointment when I was 19 weeks. Yikes!!
A good way to skirt this is to take veggies and blend them into a pesto like spread. Then you can put them on bread like jam or on a sandwich. You get all the nutrition without the texture issues that could make some sick.
I feel the same way too especially towards salads a work mate advised me to blend or juice vegetables e.g carrots, spinach, kale, with ginger, lemon e.tc you will get all the nutrients and it also helps with constipation so you dont get those gnarly hemmo
Re: Vegetable Aversions??
Spaghetti sauce is a good idea, I'll try that. I think I could also deal with peas. Thanks!
You can even blend
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