Cloth Diapering

septic system and detergent ?

My baby will be here 2 weeks from today (eeek!) and I'm getting ready to prep all my prefolds and start getting ready for him to be here.  I see everyone say that you should use powder detergent for your cloth diapers but I have also seen where you shouldn't use powder if you have a septic tank, which we do.  Should I just use powder for my CDs and liquid for our clothes and babies clothes?  I was planning on using the same detergent for everything but now I'm second guessing what I've been planning.  Are certain powder detergents better for a septic system?  Thanks!!
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BFP#1 5/18/12. MMC @ 8 weeks. Measuring 6w5d. MC naturally 6/29/12. Forever loved.

2013-07-17 at 07.15.09

Re: septic system and detergent ?

  • I was worried about this as well. Most powdered detergents clog up septic systems for two reasons: either they don't dissolve well enough to keep from clogging the filter, or they contain fillers or fats that do not dissolve. Most cloth diaper safe deterg
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I think if you wash on anything but cold you should be fine. Especially with powder that won't ruin your diapers.
    Chad and Fawn

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers


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