April 2013 Moms

My embarrassing Easter dinner

Yesterday we had a lovely dinner at my parents house.  All of my aunts and uncles and cousins were there as well as my grandparents.  At dinner my dad was telling a hilarious story about my mom so I laughed....and accidentally farted. Really loud.  It was mortifying. It was actually kind of funny but really embarrassing. My brother and DH could not stop giggling the rest of the dinner.  It's not fun having zero control over normal bodily functions!!!
BFP#1 10/30/2011,MC 12/4/2011 9w2d,BFP#2 3/6/2012,m/c 4/18/2012 9w1d D&E 4/18/2012 BFP#3 8/12/2012 EDD 4/25/2013 Stick baby!! Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers BabyFruit Ticker

Re: My embarrassing Easter dinner

  • yeah i totally snooted at work the other day (sneezed-pooted). Ive done this several times but at home, thank god. all day i was convinced i needed to quit my job but not one person said a single word. i guess they are afraid to poke the angry bea

  • I would have been embarrassed as well but we get a pass since we're pregnant and there is only so much we can control!

    To make you feel better, I have a similar story;

    A couple months ago, we had our friends over for dinner and a movie.

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  • My dog is quite flatulent at home, I'm not ashamed to admit that I've blamed a few on poor Lexi...But at least you didn't spring a leak! I haven't had an all out pee myself, but there have been a couple sneezes/laughing fits that it was a close call.
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  • This happened to me at my new job when I was about 6 months post-partum!!!  It was so awful.
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  • Lol I'm sorry you were embarrased!! Personally, it's not out of the norm to let loose in front of my family... however if it was my IL's, I would totally be mortified.
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  • Well at least you didn't pee yourself? lol.

    Seriously though, I agree with you - it sucks not to have control over your bodily functions. 

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