Anyone else have any moronic people on their FB feeds this morning?
My BIL's GF posted that they are happy to announce they are expecting a baby at the end of October and they feel very blessed and happy. It's April Fools. And that is a really, really shiittty joke. We just announced our own real pregnancy and they are the most ridiculous couple. If it is true and they told FB before telling us, well, I'm going to be pissed and feel bad for H that his own brother didn't tell him the news.
Anyway, I hate April fools so much. Why do people think it gives them a reason to be asshats?
Re: April Fools Day - UGH
Post this on their wall:
And I 100% agree with you that if it's really an April Fools joke, it's really shitty.
My DH and I play silly little pranks on each other, but other than that I don't ever do them to anyone else and definitely not publicly.
I think the pregnancy thing crosses the line. I've already seen it on my FB feed as well. Not funny at
I don't think it's very creative, but I don't think it's completely offensive.
My H is calling his very gullible mother today and telling her that we've settled on names for the baby- he's going to pick two awful names and tell her that she can'
I don't personally mind pregnancy April Fool's announcements - howeveer unoriginal they are - but I understand how they can be insensitive to others.
The only April Fool's prank that I've seen today is Google Nose. Subtle and funny.
but I made a cease fire with my family because my hormones can't take it.
And anyone being fake pregnant had always gotten a bitchy response from
I've seen two ultrasound pregnancy announcement posts already, both with twins. And both have been jokingly called out by other people as lies.
These posts don't bother me, but I agree, it's dumb. And I can definitely see how insensitive it can
Anything I see on FB today, I am taking with a grain of salt....
I am thankful that I am off today because I do not have the patience for 7th graders and their April Fools shenanigans!
Yup. it was an entire paragraph about "dear aunt Sal
Married 8/18/12
Baby Jack's EDD is 9/18/13
Exactly! And I also posted t
Nobody has said anything stupid on my FB. If I ever see marriage, divorce, or pregnancy posts on April Fools, I never believe them. People aren't good at pulling it off, which is why I half wanted to announce our pregnancy on April Fools because people
We're one and done!
How about this for a joke: My SIL asked me to POAS for her so she could prank her husband (she is 22, he is 26 - neither are ready for kids yet) and pretend she is pregnant. April 1 is his bday so it would have been a joke/bday gift. I ultimately said