Cloth Diapering

stupid question.. but still

how often do you change LO's diaper??? disposables often have a line to indicate wetness. when he cries i usually check out the diaper situation but if i JUST changed it i wait bc i figure i JUST changed it so it should be fine. how do you decide to check?
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Re: stupid question.. but still

  • For a newborn through 3 months(ish?) I think we had to change LOs diaper about every 2-3 hours. So it just became habit at that point to always check. Eventually you'll get the hang of knowing what cry = what issue (diaper, food, otherwise) and you'll als
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  • DC changes every 2 hours, I usually change every 3 at home.  Unless there is poo, that's an immediate change.
    TTC with PCOS since November 2009
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  • I usually go every 3 hours. My DD doesn't pitch any kid of fit about a diaper unless it's overnight and she's woken up feeling gross (hasn't happened since we figured out a CD overnight and got rid of night disposables).
    photo 531db2b9-4d83-4d72-a50b-074d44f8cd51_zps7e3cb247.jpg
  • My LO doesn't seem troubled by a dirty diaper so we usually change based on activity. Like before he goes down for a nap and after he wakes up or if it's been 3 hours and we haven't changed him. We change poopy diapers right away. They are smelly enough t
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  • DS lets me know when he needs a diaper change. He has a sort of shrill, nails-on-chalkboard shriek that means he is wet or has pooped. ETA: even if you JUST changed a diaper, there's still a chance that the diaper could already be wet/soiled. Sometimes
  • We never went more than 2 hours unless DS was sleeping. He peed frequently so even though he wasn't soaked, he needed a change. He also has super sensitive skin so even to this day we have to lather him up with lanolin overnight in case he doesn't wake up
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