I'm writing a paper for english and need to collect some info from mom's. The paper is just basically on the birthing process and options offered. No personal info or usernames will be used. Go into as much depth and specifics as you would like. I love birth stories! Thanks in Advance for anyone who helps. I will probably post again in two weeks to get info from people who haven't delivered yet. P.S. So jealous of everyone who has their baby already only 20 more days until I'll be holding mine!!!
How many children do you have?
What was your birth experience like with each?
Did you have: Induction, Epidural, c-section, any pregnancy complications
How long did your labor last?
Where did you deliver? (birth center, hospital, home)
What options for pain management were offered to you?
Was the staff supportive of your birth plan?
What breathing exercises are you aware of to help with labor?
What comfort techniques are you aware of the help with labor?
What natural ways do you know to induce labor?
Did you take any classes to prepare for birth?
Re: Everyone with LO's Help please!!
How many children do you have? I have one daughter and am due on the 6th with our second child so
I have two daughters, ages 20 months old and 3.5 years old
They each were pretty similar. My water broke in the middle of the night with no w