September 2013 Moms

Pros and Cons of team green?

I have a boy and a girl already!  This is our very last baby and we don't care either way so, we might opt for team green.  I would love to know early just to plan in advance but my SO doesn't want to find out....

_Plus for those who have had their 20week scan was it obvious to anyone or did the sex have to be pointed out?  

Re: Pros and Cons of team green?

  • I know with my DD they asked if we wanted to know the sex. And if we didn't they didn't scan down there when we were looking. And for us it wasn't obvious they had to point it out.
  • I've always said if I had one of each, we would wait and not find out! For us it's just being prepared. We have all boys. I think it'd be very fun to find out. The only issue would be the naming process if you have a hard time agreeing on names. I've hear
    Mom of 5
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    Boy 2-26-2009 to 11-2-11 (had cancer at 4mo),
    Boy 3-28-2011 (has Autism)
    Girl 9-3-2013
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  • I was team green for my DD. At that 20w scan I told them upfront that we didn't want to know so they didn't ruin it accidentally. They didn't go near that region, so there was nothing to look at to take any guess. It definitely wasn't obvious. At the birt
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
  • LCassLCass member
    We were team green last time and will be again this time.  I loved not knowing.  I loved the ridiculous guessing that people did, I loved not being given a ton of pink stuff and I loved wondering what he/she would be.  But the best part and

    BFP #1: July 12, 2010 Natural M/C: July 26, 2010

    BFP #2: January 30 ,2011 Born: September 29, 2011

    BFP #3: January 5, 2013 Born: August 25, 2013!&T1=Lily&T3=&CC=0&CO=&CO2=&W=&TS=&R=A&SC=green

  • I just want to know so I have the baby's room done. And that I have clothes. Of course you can have someone buy a few outfits that are waiting for you when you get home with baby but I like to have everything ready to go. Plus I don't like saying "baby".


  • I hadn't thought of this before a friend mentioned it to me today, but going Team Green gives your DH an important "job" during the delivery.  He gets to be the one who announces "boy" or "girl" to all your family. 

    This is my fir


  • I'm team green with my first and I'm SO excited for that moment during delivery I can hardly stand it!!!

    I've been telling friends, family and clients that we're not finding out and SO MANY PEOPLE have said they wish they hadn't found out! I was

  • We also have a boy and a girl and DH really wanted to find out this time, so we're going to try. The first two were very fun surprises. I'm kinda glad to be finding out this time as I feel like this pregnancy is going super slow and September is taking

  • We are team green too, already have a boy and a girl so I am excited for both genders as each combo would have its own special things. In a way I want my dd to have a sister but would love to have two boys 5 years apart and then our middle child would be
  • Thanks for all the input ladies, think were going to stay team green!  I don't really like greens and yellows so I hope there is more variety out there like teal, orange, grey, and other un-pastel colors! 
  • Pros-

    you already have a boy/girl, so you don't really need to buy anything anyway!

    you have a goal for that one last push in the delivery room!


    if you want to bring baby home in a gender specific outfit, you will need to

    Our little lightbulb is on the way!
    12 weeks 3 days

    TTC since Oct 2011
    Me: 33, hypothyroidism since 14, cleared all HSG, US, Pre-pregnancy panel tests.
    Hubby: 36, testicular Ca, chemo April-May 2012.
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    Aug 2012 - break due to needing a girls' weekend in Cape Cod
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