*** (My theory is that, if I do not knock on wood after typing this post, I will be jinxed into sudden, crazy labor.) ***
The midwife's delivery guess (made on Friday) was today, but after WEEKS of insane and tiresome false/early/pre-/latent labor, I don't feel so much as a tickle in my ute. (I would settle for a questionable diarrhea cramp. LOL)
Also, DH has 36-hour duty on the ship AND our first choice of caregiver for DD is out of town for the holiday. That means I, essentially, HAVE to go into labor, right? It would be HORRIBLY inconvenient to have his baby today.
(I am anxious to deliver this week because the midwife is starting to talk induction due to a history of placenta issues AND she is uncomfortable with the idea of my going around dilated with no MP for 5 weeks, being GBS positive.)
Re: "Jinxing" myself into labor