Good morning ladies!! Just wanted to say Happy Easter to everyone! My favorite Sunday of the year! (minus the church being covered in Easter lilies. My sinuses can't handle it) I hope that all of you have a blessed day!
Any fun Easter plans? We are grilling out with my in-laws. My father in law is an AMAZING cook and I'm very excited! We're also doing an Easter Egg Hunt for DS. I can't wait!
Re: Happy Easter!!!
Happy Easter! At 10 we will go to my aunt's for brunch which we do every year, and the little kids have an Easter egg hunt. There are some people I'm not looking forward to seeing which is always a bummer, but hopefully they stay away from me haha. I'm
Happy Easter to you and your family! I hear you on the Easter lilies! They're so beautiful and smell so good but after about 15 minutes the eyes start watering and the nose plugs up. LOL!
We're going to church soon, then off to dinner at my sist
traditional Slovak breakfast for lunch!
Its with my Dad's huge family! (he has 11 brothers and sisters
I'm currently the only "out" pregnant relative (so there could be another pregnant cousin that I don't know about) and the ver
Happy Easter ladies!!!
We aren't religious so while we don't go to church, we do enjoy some of the more secular aspects of the holiday. We will be dying eggs a little bit later today and we've already hidden some plastic eggs in the yard for DS t
Married 8/18/12
Baby Jack's EDD is 9/18/13