Just curious to hear from our experienced moms how long they bled after delivering. Reese was born a week ago and I had some tearing and I'm just tired of the bleeding and swelling. It would be easier to take care of a newborn if I wasn't worrying about changing a pad constantly.
Married 6/4/11
Reese born 3/23/13
Due 9/14/16

Re: PP Bleeding
Married: 6/27/2008
DS: 3/14/2010 Planned, PG first try
M/C 6/2012
DD: 4/22/2013 Planned, UnDx Infertility, PG on our own
BFP: 10/28/2016 Unplanned, HUGE SURPRISE!
M/C 12/12/2016
BFP: 10/27/2017 Unplanned, HUGE SURPRISE
EDD: 7/2/2018
1st BFP 10/2010.
Twins discovered @ 6wks.
Natural Miscarriage @ 11 wks, 01/2011.
2nd BFP 05/2011.
D & E Due to PPROM, 8/2011
3rd BFP 8/2012
Preventative Cerclage @ 14 weeks
???EDD APRIL 7, 2013 ???
It depends on a lot of things - how you delivered, whether you're breastfeeding or not, your activity level as you recover, and just luck I guess.
With Charlie I bled for about 2 weeks, but I was up and moving really soon after to visit him in t
Ginny DX 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Charlie DX Specific Antibody Deficiency & ASD
DD was breast fed, so my bleeding/cramping was very intense for two weeks. After that, it tapered to a light period for another week.
My fissure I developed from pushing, on the other hand, bled like a stuck pig for 6 weeks and landed me in