Going on 14w. Is anyone else noticing that people are getting more annoying than usual? DH is driving me nuts. From the way he eats his chips to the snore sounding like its plugged into an concert speaker!
I feel bad because he can be sensitive... So when i get grouchy he starts to think "What did I do to her?"
Im thinking the anxiety of the next dr appt makes me get even more moody. I just feel horrible being like that with him because he's the best thing that ever happened to me. I don't want my DH to be expecting the worse later on... What can I do??
Re: Irritated much??
BFP Oct 16, 2012 M/C Nov 10, 2012
BFP Dec 31, 2012 EDD Sept 12, 2013
Uhhh... you just started noticing that people are more annoying? Good for you for holding out for that long!
I've been perpetually annoyed since day 1.
Tell DH how you feel, so at least he (somewhat) knows what's going on in your head.
you can keep telling him its the hormones.
I'm an emotional wreck lately. I cry soooo easy and my DH hates seeing me cry. He feels like he's failing, I just sit there and say its not me its the baaaaaabies. and continue crying. There is no
-My step-daughter is 12 years old.
-BFP #1 on 9/2/12, D&C 10/18/12 no heartbeat on US @ 10 weeks.
-BFP #2 on 1/7/13, R was born on 9/22/13 via C-Section