April 2013 Moms

BH after an exam are normal for how long?

I had an internal this morning (3cm and 60% effaced) and now I am having some BH that are pretty noticable. How long after an exam should they be like this? Don't remember feeling them like this with DD. 
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Re: BH after an exam are normal for how long?

  • I think BH are normal all the time. I have them every 10-15 minutes and did for weeks before DS was born too. They eventually just got stronger and closer together until my water broke and then became painful.
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  • I must have been in a complete fog when I was PG with DD!! LOL! 
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  • I've had 3 internals and after each one I have BH off & on that night and I also have spotting....both are normal (according to my dr.)
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