So, I'm 17 weeks and still haven't told anyone that I'm expecting except for my Boss and that was only because I had to go on bedrest for a week back around 8 weeks.
It's Easter and I am going to have dinner at my Dad's tonight so we plan on telling him tonight. I feel like I'm going to jinx myself.
I have had 2 losses and the last one I told my Dad at 8 weeks and literally right after telling him, started spotting and miscarried less than a week later.
Am I crazy? I feel like if it was 100% up to me, I'd keep it to myself for my whole pregnancy but obviously that isn't realistic...and kind of un-fair to my family.
Has anyone else not came out yet? Or if you have, were you scared to? How did you cope with it?
BFP 1.5.13 - EDD 9.5.13 - Ysabella Sofia born 9.12.13
Re: Fear of Coming Out?
I "came out" with Aidan at 12w and he was born at 28w4d and passed away 8 days later. So everyone already knew I was pregnant and the support I received was such a blessing. If MH would have let me, I would have been out as the pee stick was drying jus
I know it's scary. But logically I knew there was no correlatio