I came on this site for friendly advice and instead got evil and mean comments. I got the site from a magazine my doctor gave me in a babys sample bag. I wanted some advice for the time being about my situation. I felt really alone. I have my mom and sister but they dealt with theirs in a way not similar to me. I just wanted to know if there were anyone else who had my problem or not. It's a messed up world out there. Anyway I did read some stories that seemed sketchy and once again I understand how you feel but going around saying harsh things to other people just because you think they are making up stuff isn't right. Some people actually do act a particular way and have grownup with the idea that the things they do are right. Some people think it is ok to treat women like crap because daddy or even mommy taught them it was ok, or even they learned it from a friend. Also calling someone stupid is absolutely wrong. Just because they may not know that one thing doesn't mean they are stupid. They simply don't know.
Re: the bump
sorry for no
yeah... the main purpose of the bump is to gather a bunch of pregnant women and new mothers in order to advertise! lol
If you need specialized care I wouldn't come to strangers on the Internet. You are going to get a grab bag of comments and telling everyone ho
We are not here to take care of you. Like PP said, you need to see a therapist. I don't think that you're lying about your situation, but strangers on the internet aren't the people to talk to.
Good luck!
"A lot of people post on here to see if someone is going through something similar. Just because someone is scared about being prego for first time doesn't mean they need a therapist. I'm sure most of you were scared your first time around, in a
I never read that "she got pregnant against her will." She didn't want to get knocked up crap happens when people have unprotected sex, when they dont track their cycles. Some over analyze things...I am not saying that you didn't read something like th