April 2013 Moms

Ummm, braxton hicks contractions?

First child, I am 35 weeks about to turn 36 weeks this Saturday and tonight for the first time I'm experiencing pain.  It started off in my lower back but since has moved up to my shoulders.  I can not get comfortable and keep getting these stabbing like sensations in my shoulder blades.  I also feel sick.  I have a high pain tolerance and am unsure if these are Braxton Hicks Contractions or preterm labor.  Should I call my doctor tomorrow and ask? I have an appointment with them on Monday and feel stupid for calling about little things like this....but again its my first pregnancy. so I just don't know what to do.....  

Re: Ummm, braxton hicks contractions?

  • I don't think contractions belong in your shoulder blades? I would call and see what the doctor says.
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  • yeah contractions definitely don't happen in the shoulders.
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  • I don't feel like calling your doctor about pain is ever over reacting, so I wouldn't worry about placing a quick phone call for peace of mind. Although I don't think preterm labor back pain is between the shoulders, have you been laying down a lot recent
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