Hi everyone! My name is Kirsten and my husband and I are currently pursuing an adoption from Uganda. I'm new to this community and look forward to getting to know you all better!
I'm a dance studio owner, writer, cat mommy, and adventuress who is married to the man of her dreams.
My husband and I have had a long-time dream to adopt and it's happening in a way that we didn't quite anticipate. But, like any move of God, it's turning out way better than we expected.
We'd love for you to follow our story at www.kirstenkline.com!
Re: New to the board and saying "hi!"
Mother of two wonderful boys! Blessed through adoption.
TTC #2, Operative hysteroscopy March 2011; IVF #1 long lupron protocol April 2011-cancelled due to poor response; IVF #2 flare protocol May 2011=hospitalization due to abdominal hemorrhage during ER and no fert due to MFI issues. Moving onto international adoption from Moldova January 2013!
Our Adoption Blog & Fundraising Efforts
Heading to China in November 2014 to bring our son home!