September 2013 Moms

Crazy allergies!

I've never had allergies before--at least none that I noticed.  People say your body changes in weird ways, and I'm starting to think I'm allergic to something.

I cannot. stop. sneezing.  I thought I was coming down with a cold (because of my crazy runny nose and headache), but it has never fully come on.  Now I realise it's probably allergies.

I thought it was too early for allergies, but we had unusually mild weather for the past week.  Our weather channel says that many people in Ontario are suffering from allergies right now because the rapidly melting snow is uncovering moulds and pollen.

I don't want to make an appointment with my doc JUST to ask him if allergy meds are OK to take.  For those suffering with allergies, what are you taking?  Or do you have any natural remedies to share?  I may give my netty pot a try again. 

Re: Crazy allergies!

  • I am allergic to all things outdoors. I have always been bad and during pregnancy it aint pretty.


    Zyrtec works good too.


    I am at the point to where I pee when I sneeze- talk about good times!




  • I haven't given in and taken any allergy meds yet but my allergies have definitely picked up lately. I normally have mild spring seasonal allergies and terrible allergy/sinus issues in the fall, but so far this spring they have been worse than usual. I

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  • ksf13ksf13 member
    Mine are going crazy too! I called my OB and they said I can take Zyrtec and it seems to be working when I take it. You could probably just call if you want your doctor's opinion, so you don't have to make an appointment. :) Good luck, allergies are NO fu
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  • I don't have allergies, but I did read that conjestion and runny noses are just another symptom of pregnancy!
  • Zyrtec and Clairtin are on my OK list...sorry, it sucks!
  • NukkeNukke member

    I don't have allergies, but I did read that conjestion and runny noses are just another symptom of pregnanc
  • My allergies have been out if control too! I have tried Benadryl, the neti pot, saline spray, a humidifier and nothing seems to work. My doctor just okayed me for Claritin, so we shall see how well it works tomorrow. I am getting pretty tired of breathin
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