Cloth Diapering

stanky cloth wipes

I wash my used cloth wipes in Rockin' Green with the dirty diapers every other day. Once the wipes are gone, I "make" a new batch (coconut oil, Burt's bees baby wash, and water).  My issue is, they start stinking after a few days. I'm not sure that it is a moldy smell, but it is definitely not a 'fresh' smell like when I first make them.

Am i using the wrong kind of container to store them in? I use a locking Sterlite container. 

I'm wondering if I should stop putting the wipes in the solution and use a spray bottle?  Help?

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Re: stanky cloth wipes

  • I don't think wipes are meant to keep in a solution for a long period. More than a couple days.

    You may be able to keep them smelling fresher if you use tto or gfse.

    tto is tea tree oil, gfse is grapefruit seed extract. Both of
  • I stopped pre-wetting my wipes because this kept happening to me.  I just wet one or two at the sink now before a diaper change because the bathroom's right across from the nursery.
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  • imageYellowLily2013:
    I don't think wipes are meant to keep in a solution for a long period. More than a couple days. You may be

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  • That was happening to me, but I think it was just from leaving them in the container too long. Now whenever I do diapers (EOD) I wash out the container, put in the freshly cleaned ones and put what was left in the container into the wet bag. I use an old
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  • imageilovetolaugh:

  • imageYellowLily2013:

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  • imageForeverEverAfter:
    That was happening to me, but I think it was just from leaving them in the container too long. Now whenever

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